Are dental problems caused by smoking?

Are dental problems caused by smoking?

Blog Article

It would be interesting to know how smoking directly influences the health of the mouth. People usually think of the ill effects of smoking on the general body functions or systemic health; much less thought is given to smoking affecting the teeth and gums. Smoking tops the list in causing some very bad dental problems related to your appearance and health of the mouth. If you are currently facing some dental concerns, consulting one of the Best Dentists in Mumbai will be helpful in preventive care.

The Effects of Smoking on Oral Health?
1. Stains and Discoloration
The nicotine and tar in cigarettes cause yellowish or even brownish stains on the surface of your teeth.
They cannot simply be brushed away with the normal toothbrush.
You may require a professional whitening procedure to attain a beautiful smile again.
2. Increased risk of gum disease
Smoking weakens one's immunity and, therefore, increases suspectibility to infection by bacteria accumulating around the gums, thereby causing inflammation and gum disease.
Considerable destruction of the gum tissues in advanced gum disease will eventually lead to tooth loss if not treated.
3. Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Smoking causes a dry mouth from decreased saliva.
Bacteria in a dry environment can generate extremely obnoxious odors, which aggravate halitosis.
Drinking water and undergoining cleaning of the teeth at your dentist's office can help control halitosis.
4. Slow Healing After Dental Treatment
Increased healing times after dental treatment, such as tooth extraction, gum surgery, and healing after implant surgery, plague the smoker.
Inhibition of blood flow due to the chemical contents of cigarettes slows shrinking of the periodontal tissues and bone healing.
Cessation of smoking before undergoing dental treatments would be beneficial for healing.
5. Increased Risk for Oral Cancer

Smoking is the foremost causative risk factor of oral cancer affecting the lips, tongue, and gums.
Detecting oral cancer in its early stages bolsters the chances of successful treatment.
Dental examinations provide excellent opportunities to monitor the mouth for any warning signs early.

Oral Health Protection
Quit, or at least try to cut down, on smoking.
Brush and floss daily to stop plaque formation.
Drink water to keep the mouth wet.
Schedule a dental check-up with the Best Dentist in Mumbai to detect issues as early as possible.
You could consider registering for a professional cleaning, which may help with removing tobacco stains.

The Start of a Healthy Smile!
If you smoke and have problems with your teeth, do not waste another moment. Exceed to the Smile Again Dental Clinic for consultations and treatments laying out the options before you. Make the move to safeguard your teeth and gums from cigarette smoke!

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